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CSX ST70AH leading Q427 on the Pan Am Worcester Main | 5-8-21
First SD70ACe-T4 Leader in Massachusetts! CSX 8907 Leads Q427 on the Worcester Main! [5-8-21]
CSX M427 on the Rickety Worcester main 7/17/22
CSX M427 on the Worcester Main! 8/5/22
Brand New CSX ST70AH and Old EMD on the Selkirk branch!
Chasing CSX M427 On The Worcester Mainline
Worcester main chase, CSX M426 Worcester to Lancaster.
Q427 w/ ST70AH Number, 8909 through palmer, MA!
Big and Slow CSX M427 through Clinton to Worcester
Chasing SD40 leaders on M426 and M427 over the Worcester Main Line (3/19)
Ancient Railroad Track Restored - First M427 w/ New Speed Limit on the Worcester Main! [12-31-22]
CSX Q427 crosses Burncoat St. in Worcester, MA, on 12/23/21